Manston makes night-time submission
A Kent airport has resubmitted its proposals for night flights. Manston airport, near Ramsgate, has asked Thanet Council for permission to run at least six flights between 11pm and 7am. Bosses said the plans would create around 3,000 jobs by 2018 and are vital for the long-term future of the company. Charles Buchanan, Chief Executive at Manston, commented:
"For the airport to be commercially viable in the longer term and deliver for Kent what other airports have done for their regions, it is vital that we are allowed to compete in terms of the operating hours."
The submission also included a Night Noise Assessment Report after plans met with objections from locals, councillors and MPs, concerned about the noise any additional flights would make. Mr Buchanan added:
"Rejecting the submission by prohibiting all commercial traffic betweem 11am and 7pm would severly hinder the aiport's ability to attract passenger and freight airlines. It would cost the Thanet economy an estimated £30m per year and some 1,450 jobs at a time when the area needs them more than ever. It could even threaten the continuation of the airport as a viable business."
The plans will go out to public consultation after the council has had their own independent assessment of the proposals carried out. Leader of Thanet Council, Cllr. Bob Bayford, said:
"The council is committed to ensuring that local people have plenty of opportunity to comment on these proposals. We know this is a hugely important issue, especially for those living under the flight path, so will be providing a minimum consultation period of 12 weeks for people to have their say. I’d like to encourage everyone with a view to ensure they take the time to participate."
KentOnline 28th Oct 2011