Possible hitch at TDC
Here's a bit of a puzzle. There's a press release from TDC (below) that the splendid Michael Child has picked up. I can't find it on the TDC website, but that's probably because it's a rather odd and unreliable site.
The press release states that the eagerly awaited Parsons Brinckerhoff report hasn't appeared as promised on the TDC website because of "a technical problem with our external e-mails".
The puzzle is that they don't need to use external emails to post stuff on their own website, so what's the problem? Surely they're not sending the report to outside bodies for correction or approval...
Update on night-time flying: Independent assessment
Unfortunately we have not been able to provide a copy of the independent assessment report on the council's website today as we had hoped due to a technical problem with our external e-mails.
We will be dealing with this as a matter of urgency to ensure that the report can be published as soon as possible tomorrow. I will e-mail a link direct to the report as soon as this is available.
Please accept our apologies.
Michael Child 23rd Jan 2012