Public consultation starts on Manston's night flying proposal
Runs until Friday 2 March 2012
Thanet District Council is now asking members of the public for their views on proposals for regular night-time flying at Manston Airport. The proposals were submitted by Infratil, owners of the airport, on 27 October 2011 and included an aircraft noise assessment report and economic assessment, which are technical reports explaining the implications of the proposal.
View the documents submitted by Infratil in October 2011
After receiving the documents from Infratil, the council then commissioned specialists Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, to carry out an independent assessment of the proposals and technical details to review the environmental and economic impacts. This report was submitted to the council’s Community Services Manager, Madeline Homer on Thursday 19 January and was completed by specialists, Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd.
View the independent assessment completed by Parsons Brinckerhoff (pdf, 367kb)
Purpose of the consultation
Thanet District Council has been asked by Infratil to comment on their proposals for regular night-time flying at Manston Airport. Before drafting a response, Thanet District Council would like to give members of the public an opportunity to have their say on the proposals. The feedback from this consultation will then be used, along with the findings of the independent assessment to help draft the council's response to ensure it takes into account the views of local people.
Legal advice has confirmed that, at this stage, the council is only being asked to provide a response to the proposals. The council is not in a position to make a decision on the night time flying policy at this stage. The council is seeking further advice as to whether the proposed night flying policy, if implemented, could result in an intensification or change in operation at the airport. This could then require a planning application at some point in the future.
Take part in the consultation
Consultation period: Friday 3 February - Friday 2 March 2012
Consultation audience: This consultation is open to all members of the public as well as Town and Parish Councils, Chambers of Commerce, Community and Residents Associations and Special Interest Groups established in Thanet.
How to respond
- Responses to the proposals must be submitted in writing or by e-mail.
- Your full name and address (WITH YOUR POSTCODE) must be provided with your response - these details will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to analyse the feedback based on geographic area. This is so that particular attention can be paid to those directly affected by the airport's proposals (those living under the identified flight path).
- E-mail your comments to
- Submit your comments in writing to Consultation, Thanet District Council, PO Box 9, Margate, CT9 1XZ
- Any responses submitted after the closing date (Friday 2 March) will not be accepted.
What happens next: Before submitting a response to Infratil, Councillors will have to consider the following:
- The results to the public consultation
- The findings from the Independent Assessment from Parsons Brinckerhoff
- The proposals from Infratil
Councillors will consider the above at the following meetings:
- Airport Working Party
- Overview and Scrutiny
- Cabinet
- Full Council