Public get the chance to air views on airport expansion plans

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RAMSGATE town council is to hold a public meeting to discuss proposals for more night flights from Manston airport. Chairman David Green said the council decided to hold the debate after residents used last Wednesday's council meeting to vent their fears over more night noise disturbance. He said:
"Many of the statements made were against allowing night flights, with residents concerned regarding the impact they would have on the quality of life in Ramsgate and upon its development potential, both as a residential town and for the development of employment through visitor attractions."
At the meeting last Wednesday it was agreed that the council would hold a public meeting at 7pm at Chatham House Grammar School on Monday, October 25. Mr Green added:
"We need to listen further to residents' views, before deciding the council's position on night flights at the next council meeting on 3rd November."
Residents can leave their views on the message centre section of the council's website