See the future, then decide
These two maps are taken from Manston's night flight proposal.
- The maps show the "sound footprint" of the airport.
- The top map is for 2010, the bottom map is their 2018 forecast.
- In 2018, the "sound footprint" is bigger and louder.
- The blue lines around the runway are noise contours.
- In both maps the outermost blue line is the 48dB contour.
- In 2010, the 48dB contour is 300 yards from the end of the runway.
- In 2018, the 48dB contour stretches a mile out to sea.
- In 2018, most of Ramsgate will feel like they're living next to the runway.
- This is your future if your Council gives in to Manston's demands.
Now, and then.
Write to your councillors, write to your MP.
No Night Flights!
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