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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

No Night Flights

Filtering by Tag: Ros McIntyre

Transport Select Committee - public hearing


We submitted our written evidence to the committee in October 2014. On February 2nd, we went along to Portcullis House (just across the road from the Houses of Parliament), to do our bit.

For you.

Here you can watch the committee in action. We start with:

  • Pauline Bradley (Director, Manston Skyport Limited)
  • Alastair Welch (Interim Director, Kent Airport Limited)
  • Alan Mackinnon (Interim Director, Kent Airport Limited)
  • George Yerrall (Partner, RiverOak Investment Corp)
  • Tony Freudmann (Partner, RiverOak Investment Corp)

At about 51 minutes in, we move on to:

  • Paul Carter (Leader, Kent County Council)
  • David Smith (Director of Economic Development, Kent County Council)
  • Councillor Iris Johnston (Leader, Thanet District Council)
  • Madeline Homer (Acting Chief Executive, Thanet District Council)
  • Paul Cook (Interim Director of Corporate Resources, Thanet District Council)
  • Sir Roger Gale MP

At about 1 hour 28 minutes in, we get:

  • Ros McIntyre (Chair, No Night Flights)
  • Dr Beau Webber (Chair, Save Manston Airport Group)
  • Angie Sutton (Why Not Manston?)

Discussion from the 02/02/15 0 - 50:00 Pauline Bradley, Director, Manston Skyport Limited, Alastair Welch, Interim Director, Kent Airport Limited, Alan Mackinnon, Interim Director, Kent Airport Limited, George Yerrall, Partner, RiverOak Investment Corp, Tony Freudmann, Partner, RiverOak Investment Corp 50:00 - 1:28:00 Paul Carter, Leader, Kent County Council, David Smith,

No Night Flights home page

Transport Select Committee - written submission


The Department for Transport has set up a committee to examine policy and make recommendations to the Government on the role of smaller airports. To our astonishment, they decided to spend an entire session looking at Manston, even though it's shut. Before the hearing, we submitted our written evidence.

No Night Flights home page

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