Thanet rejects Manston night flights
More than 2,000 residents air their views
More than 2,000 residents took the time to air their views as part of the council’s public consultation on proposals for regular night-time flying at Manston Airport. The majority were opposed to the implementation of regular night-time flying, with approximately 73% opposed, 26% in favour and 1% not clearly stating a position.
The main reasons given by those who were opposed were:
- the likely disturbance to sleep
- the effect on health and quality of life
- unacceptable noise levels
- the likely detrimental impact on the local economy
- overstating the potential economic benefits.
Those in favour stated the reasons for their support as including:
- jobs/employment opportunities
- regeneration of Thanet
- their desire for the airport to develop
- night flights needed to ensure the future viability of the airport
- Airport has been there for many years
The responses were also analysed by area to ensure that the council gathers the views of those who live under the identified flight path, those who live within Thanet and those from outside of Thanet. The results were approximately as follows:
Leader of Thanet District Council, Cllr. Clive Hart, said:
“Firstly I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to take part in this consultation. We know that it’s such an important issue for local people and that’s clearly reflected in the high level of response. The feedback from this consultation will now be considered by Councillors, alongside the findings of the Independent Assessment completed by Parsons Brinckerhoff and the proposed policy itself, to agree the council’s consultation response to Infratil.
I am sure every Councillor will be carefully analysing these results to see what residents have said, before we finalise our response.”
A report is due to be considered by members of the Airport Working Party on Wednesday 4th April. The report then goes to Scrutiny on Tuesday 24th April, Cabinet on Thursday 10th May and will then be considered at an Extraordinary meeting of Full Council on Thursday 24th May.