Woken in the small hours, 1st July
I live in Ramsgate and was woken up at 3.50am this morning (1st July 2011) by a plane coming in to land at Manston. I couldn't get back to sleep. I feel terrible now and I know I'll feel terrible for the rest of the day. It makes Ramsgate a bad place to live and I find that really upsetting.
Not sure if this will go to the correct people, if not you can pass it on please.
Today, Friday 1 July at 03.51 this morning an aircraft landed at Manston Airport, with a lot of noise, again at about 05.00 another movement, sounded like a smaller plane but still quite noisy.
Considering there are supposed to be no night flights, these movements are not just late arrivals.
The complaints dept. phone has been unavailable all morning and still is.
I contacted 01843 823949 and spoke to a young lady who said my complaint would be passed on and a letter would be sent to me later. Will let you know the contents soon after receipt.
Yours sincerely,
DC (Cliffsend )
Woken this morning at 03:55 by plane coming in to land over Ramsgate. Will be drafting letter to Lazy Laura this weekend, demanding action be taken.
BP (Ramsgate)