You say (25)
Dear consultation committee,
I am writing to register my OPPOSITION to the proposal to introduce night flights from Manston Airport. My family and I live directly under the flight path and we are therefore directly affected by the proposal.
Also, I am an academic psychologist so I am well aware of the potentially negative effects of sleep deprivation, which will be an inevitable consequence of introducing night flights. People who are sleep deprived tend to have increased blood pressure, are more likely to suffer depression and anxiety, are more likely to develop headaches, suffer confusion and memory loss, hallucinations, and irritability. Children who are sleep deprived are more likely to have temper tantrums and develop symptoms akin to ADHD. There are other adverse physiological effects of sleep deprivation such as increased risk of obesity and diabetes.
Sleep deprivation is extremely adverse and the introduction of night flights therefore puts many people at unnecessary risk.
I feel that the proposal itself has also been misleading. It seems that very few jobs will be created by the operation of night flights so the main reason for introducing them seems irrelevant.
I therefore request that you register my strong opposition to the proposal.
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I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am
We get enough noise here now what with the new bypass that nobody wanted now they are trying to give us night flights which nobody wants
we live on top of Manston and nobody can say it was a noisy airport 27 years I have lived here when the R.A.F had the airport it was the odd flight and odd noise
or maybe the red arrows once a year we get enough noise during the day and now more from the road I do not want night flights so we get it all night long as well
our doors and windows shake and vibrate all day we don’t want it night as well so many elderly people round here do not have a computer and cannot get out so why should they
put up with the noise day and night. If Manston say there will be more jobs there won’t be for no locals it will be for the polish like Thanet earth they said it would be for the locals but it is not I think the people of today are getting fed up with being lied to and just told well move if you don’t like it why should we.
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To whom it may concern,
I am writing to state that I categorically oppose night flights to and from Manston Airport between 11pm and 7am.
I moved to Ramsgate 4 years ago and since then have encouraged other people to move here too. Friends of mine have raised families here and started businesses - this will all cease if you allow night flights.
I will uproot my family and leave Thanet.
Most of my friends here say they will do the same.
It is hard to make a life in Thanet but the beauty and tranquillity of the place make the struggle worthwhile. Night flights will destroy these two assets.
I cannot help thinking that for the benefit of only a few it cannot seem worth while destroying the local lives of many. I honestly believe that those who are trying to forge a path for night flights are either deluded or have pure self-interest at heart.
I run a local charity, raise a family, work as a designer in the film industry and actively participate in my local community - am I really the kind of person you want to drive OUT of this area?
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Dear Sirs,
We wish to object to the proposals for night flying at Manston airport. Our house is thus very near the airport and we hear every large aircraft take off and land, whether we are outside in the garden or inside the property with all the windows and doors closed. The house is double glazed and fully insulated but still the aircraft noise comes through, and we know that it can easily be loud enough to disturb sleep. We already have problems when our grandchildren come to stay, as they tend to be in bed by 8 pm and aircraft have disturbed them in the past. Equally there have been (presumably unscheduled) night flights in the past few years and these have woken us up.
There are two aspects to the proposals that are of particular concern. One is the prospect of any scheduled flight occurring during conventional night time hours, but equally worrying is the proposal to classify “night time” as 1130pm until only 6am. We usually go to bed for 11pm and wake around 7am. Under this proposal there would only be six and a half hours of restricted flights; at any other hour there would be no control over numbers or noise levels. In addition, any scheduled flight which was late or early could still land during the restricted phase but would not be subject to the same controls. It is only logical that the shorter the restricted period, the more likely it is that something will intrude from the normal operating window. High noise levels, especially when they lead to sleep deprivation, seriously affect general health and well-being and are not something we should be looking to increase. Indeed the council should be looking to see how overall noise levels at the airport could be reduced from their present levels.
Manston suggest that significant employment opportunities will arise if night flying is allowed. Past history at the airport suggest that this is extremely unlikely and is mere propaganda. They also make threats about unsustainability if only day time flights are allowed; we, as residents, say “call their bluff”.
As a last point, there are no penalties for breaking whatever agreement is reached under the current proposals. Admittedly it is now under different management, but the previous owners frequently allowed flights to stray outside of the defined paths. What provision has been made for ensuring compliance with the agreement, whether night flying is allowed or not? The prospect of aircraft carrying out landing practice, which can go on for hours, occurring at any time between 7pm and 7am does not bear thinking about.
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