You say... what you think
As you probably know by now, Thanet District Council have launched their public consultation (or mini-consultation, perhaps). It ends on Friday March 2nd, so if you haven't already told them what you think about Manston's night flights proposal, it's time to get typing or scribbling.
Do bear in mind that, regardless of what you may read in the press, this proposal isn't asking for 2 flights a night, or 8 flights a night... it's asking for unlimited night flights.
We've put together a handy little guide to the consultation which you can find HERE, and you can see all the background documents HERE.
Hundreds of people have already sent their contributions to the consultation, and some of them have been kind enough to send us copies to share with you on this site. You'll find a string of posts called "You say..." which each contain three or four contributions. Do dip in and have a read - they're all good, and some are great.