This just in from our friends at Belfast...
I am contacting you on behalf of Belfast City Airport Watch, an
umbrella organisation which represents 20 residents’ associations and
community groups, and which also has more than 550 individual associate
I am contacting you because your organisation campaigns re the issue
of aircraft noise related to what the government terms a
‘non-designated’ airport with regard to aircraft noise. (The designated
airports – as you are probably aware - are Heathrow, Stansted and
We are very concerned at the lack of any adequate new noise
protection measures for residents near non-designated airports
contained in the DfT’s Draft Aviation Policy Framework document. While
no specific timeframe is specified in the document, it appears that the
government envisages that this document, once finalised, will
represent its national policy on aviation strategy – including aircraft
noise – until at least 2020.
I have attached, fyi, a copy of our submissions to the current DfT
consultation on the Draft Framework and to the House of Commons
Transport Select Committee’s current consultation on aviation strategy.
Both of these contain Executive Summaries with bullet points for ease
of reference – so you’ll be able to see our chief concerns and
proposals at a glance. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read them.
We would urge you to do the following, if you share any or all of our concerns:
- Make your own submission to the DfT’s consultation on the Draft Framework, for which the deadline is 31st October. See:
- Make a submission to the Transport Select Committee’s own inquiry into aviation strategy, for which the deadline is 19th October.
One of the questions on which the Committee is seeking views is on
whether or not the noise measures contained in the Draft Aviation Policy
Framework are adequate. See: :
- Urge your members to do likewise – so officials and politicians become aware of the extent to which this issue matters to ordinary voters
We are very concerned that much of the Framework document is focused
around issues concerning the three designated airports – and that the
needs of residents near non-designated airport, which collectively
impact on hundreds of thousands of people, are being ignored. We suspect
this is partly because the voice of those residents hasn’t been heard
loudly enough in the consultation process to date.
Many thanks in anticipation of your help and support on this important issue.
Kind regards,
Liz Fawcett, Chair, Steering Group, Belfast City Airport Watch