LPLV : Herne Bay Matters

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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...


Local Plan • Local Voice

"The Usual Suspects" 

We are a bunch of Herne Bay residents, and we have a number of concerns about the draft Local Plan. Some of them are listed below - have a flick through and add your comments.

We think that some of the proposals are quite worrying. The overall impression is that the Plan is better suited to the developers than to the residents.

The population increase will place a steadily increasing burden on all forms of infrastructure, and too little is being done in preparation. There is no clear strategy for economic regeneration or growth, and there is no clear vision for Herne Bay's future. 

Download a recent presentation from CCC about the Plan.

A number of concerns... 

Rate of Build

  • The Council wants to go faster than we do.

Tens of thousands more people

  • Herne Bay's population would grow by between 37% and 47%.

Flawed logic

  • Creating a pool of unemployment won't necessarily attract employers.

No economic strategy for jobs

  • There's no plan for local jobs, just local housing.

We want housing AND jobs

  • Housing by itself is not a long-term solution.

Retail Strategy

  • The Council is placing all its bets on the Central Development Area - nothing else will be supported, everything else will be fought.


  • The new supermarket in Herne Bay will be in the Central Development Area (if it happens); Canterbury is the retail capital.


  • There is no concrete commitment to providing the extra school places needed - from pre-school onwards.

Water & Sewage

  • Building on flood plains; adding to the fresh water shortage; no plans to increase sewage handling capacity.

Greenfield Sites

  • The public said "No" to greenfield development. All the major developments are on greenfield sites.

Open Spaces

  • The proposed housing will eat up open spaces, merging the distinct areas of CT6.

Congestion & Traffic

  • More housing = more people = more cars = more pressure on parking and more congestion in town. The Herne relief road will be inadequate.

Public Transport

  • The proposed new developments would be dependent on car access, as they are too far from existing transport hubs.

Paying for Sturry

  • The income from developments around Herne Bay will contribute to the cost of the Sturry flyover.

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