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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...


Planning stuff

The most recent Planning Application (or see CCC website Public Notices)​.

Earlier Planning Applications.


2 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00490/FUL: 4 St Augustine’s Court, Herne Bay, CT6 5UE Conversion of attached garage into living accommodation with associated provision of a window to rear. Applicant: Mr Richard Hills Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00680/FUL: 71 Arkley Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5SL Conversion of garage to living accommodation to form ancillary accommodation. Applicant: The Trustees of East Kent Mencap Reason: Conservation area.

1 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00637/FUL: Lawn Cottage, Oxenden Square, Herne Bay, CT6 8TN Extension to existing dwelling Applicant: Mr Coleman Reason: Conservation area

4 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00527/FUL: 80 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5LE Change of use from bakery/sandwich shop into hot food take-away (Use Class A5) and restaurant (Use Class A3). Replacement shopfront and extractor duct to the rear of the property. Applicant: Favorite Fried Chicken Ltd Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00579/FUL: 53 Charles Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5HW Replace existing front door with composite new door. Applicant: Ms Valerie Inwood Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00605/FUL: 148 Mortimer Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5DX Change of use of No148 Mortimer Street from hairdressers/beauty salon (Use Class A1) to a cafe/restaurant (Use Class A3) to be adjoined with existing cafe/restaurant at No150 Mortimer Street and change of use of first-floor flat at No148 Mortimer Street from hairdressers/beauty salon to a self-contained residential apartment. Applicant: Beano’s Café Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00608/FUL: 37 Downs Park, Herne Bay, CT6 6BZ Demolition of existing extension and construction of a new single-storey extension
and decking area to rear of dwelling. Replacement of existing single glazed windows with new double glazed upvc units throughout and creation of vehicle cross over point for accessing a driveway. Applicant: Mr Mills Reason: Conservation area.

1 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00528/ADV: 80 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5LE Change of use from bakery/sandwich shop into hot food take-away (A5) and restaurant (A3). Replacement shopfront, illuminated signage and extractor duct to the rear of the property. Internally illuminated sign and projecting sign. Applicant: Favorite Fried Chicken Ltd Reason: Conservation area.

4 in Herne Bay:

CA//13/00497/FUL: 31 Eddington Lane, Herne Bay, CT6 5TT Demolition of existing outbuilding and the erection of a single-storey rear extension. Applicant: Ms J Goodwin Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00508/TAM: Land opposite 2 The Broadway, Sea Street, Herne Bay, CT6 8RJ Installation of telecommunications cabinet. Applicant: Openreach Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00510/FUL: St Annes Court, St George’s Terrace, Herne Bay Infill of existing opening to front of building to form scooter store. Applicant: Places for People Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00531/FUL: Basement Flat, 103 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5LA Replacement windows and doors Applicant: M Reece Reason: Conservation area.​

8 in Herne Bay

CA//12/01430/FUL: Land south of Greenhill Road and Junction Road, Herne Bay, CT6 7RS Change of use from agriculture to junior football pitches and allotments. Applicant: Hollamby Estates (2005) Ltd Reason: Contrary to development plan and major.
CA//12/01431/OUT: Land south of Greenhill Road and Junction Road, Herne Bay, CT6 7RS Outline application for residential development of between 40-50 dwellings and public open space with access from Greenhill Road. Applicant: Hollamby Estates (2005) Ltd Reason: Contrary to development plan and major.
CA//13/00248/FUL: Reculver Caravan Park, Reculver Lane, Herne Bay, CT6 6SU Change of use from caravan park to grazing land to form part of Reculver country park. Applicant: Canterbury City Council Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00281/FUL: 5 St George’s Terrace, Herne Bay, CT6 8RG Replacement railings and balcony to front facade. Applicant: Mrs Penn-Simkins Reason: Setting of listed building in conservation area.
CA//13/00403/FUL: 94 Western Avenue, Herne Bay, CT6 8UF New conservatory to the rear of the property. Applicant: Mrs Hearm Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00410/FUL: 46 Station Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5QH Extension of existing garage to side and rear to provide additional living accommodation and associated external alterations. Applicant: Mr Monticolonbi Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00435/ADV: 144 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5NW Installation of various illuminated and non-illuminated signage. Applicant: Lloyd’s Banking GroupReason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00440/LB: 5 St George’s Terrace, Herne Bay, CT6 8RG Replacement railings and balcony to front facade. Applicant: Ms Penn-Simkins Reason: Work to a listed building.

One in Herne Bay

CA//13/00286/FUL: 104 Spenser Road, Herne Bay, CT6 6AR Proposed extension to detached garage and change of use to form annexe. Applicant: Mr M Cusden Reason: Conservation area.

None in Herne Bay.​

​1 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00292/FUL: Top Flat, 12 Douglas Road, Herne Bay Replacement of existing first floor timber sash windows to front and rear of property with PVCU sash windows to match existing styles and designs. Applicant: Mrs Flood Reason: Conservation area

1 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00199/FUL: 43 Western Avenue, Herne Bay, CT6 8UF Replacement UPVC windows to the front elevation. Applicant: Mr Mark Bryant Reason: Conservation area

3 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00182/FUL: 20 Bank Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5EA Change of use to Use Class A4 (micro pub), ground floor only to be used. Applicant: Mr Wicks Reason: Conservation area
CA//13/00209/FUL: 68 Spenser Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5QW Replacement of front door and five windows. Applicant: Mr Drake Reason: Conservation area
CA//13/00237/FUL: The Pier, Central Parade, Herne Bay Erection of 18 retail kiosks and two flag poles on existing pier. Applicant: Herne Bay Pier Trust Reason: Conservation area.​

​5 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00098/FUL: 32 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5LH Demolition of existing portal framed building and replacement with eight residential apartments with associated communal space (revised scheme). Applicant: Mr and Mrs Hampshire Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00099/CAC: 32 High Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5LH Demolition of existing portal framed building and replacement with eight residential apartments with associated communal space (revised scheme). Applicant: Mr and Mrs Hampshire Reason: Demolition of unlisted building in conservation area
CA//13/00153/FUL: Jersey Dairy Farm, 80 Mill Lane, Herne, CT6 7DR Redevelopment of old ‘Jersey Farm Dairy’ to form five dwellings: two from conversion of ‘cow shed’, one from conversion/extension of ‘dairy building’ and construction of two new dwellings.  Applicant: Mr T Pearman Reason: Setting of listed building in conservation area
CA//13/00156/CAC: Jersey Dairy Farm, 80 Mill Lane, Herne, CT6 7DR Demolition of building in connection with redevelopment of old ‘Jersey Farm Dairy’ to form five dwellings. Applicant: Mr T Pearman Reason: Demolition of unlisted building in conservation area
CA//13/00195/FUL: Herne Bay Court, Canterbury Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5TD Erection of retirement village on land at Herne Bay Court, retention of main building and conversion to village clubhouse, provision of health and wellness centre and spa, together with landscaping works and associated works. Applicant: Partners - to Group Centre Ministries Reason: Contrary/Major/Conservation

1 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00126/FUL: 157 Station Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5QA Change of use to A4 (drinking establishment) and alterations to shop frontage (new front door access to replace existing communal entry). Applicant: Mr S Chandler Reason: Conservation area.​

2 in Herne Bay

CA//13/00069/FUL: 172-174 Mortimer Street, Herne Bay Change of use of two ground floor retail units to two self-contained one bedroom apartments. Applicant: W H Properties Reason: Conservation area.
CA//13/00071/FUL: 13 South Road, Herne Bay, CT6 5AR Replacement front windows. Applicant: Mrs Willis Reason: Conservation area

1 in Herne Bay:​

CA//12/02097/FUL: Altira Business Park, Margate Road, Herne Bay, CT6 6LA Erection of a foodstore (Use Class A1) including a cafe, industrial/commercial units (Use Class B1, B2 and/or B8), petrol filling station, surface level car parking, new access and highway works, landscaping, servicing and associated works. Applicant: Terrace Hill (Herne Bay) Limited Reason: Contrary to development plan and major.​

None in Herne Bay

None in Herne Bay

None in Herne Bay

3 in Herne Bay

CA//12/02127/FUL: 16 Reculver Road, Herne Bay, CT6 6LE. Extension to detached laundry/kitchen store. Applicant: Mrs Cliffe. Reason: Site Notice only.
CA//12/02132/FUL: The Pier, Central Parade, Herne Bay. Erection of mini golf course including building(s) and associated works. Applicant: Cains Amusements Ltd. Reason: Conservation area.
CA//12/02137/FUL: 20 Beltinge Road, Herne Bay, CT6 7DB. Wooden log cabin. Applicant: Miss J Hogbin. Reason: Conservation area.

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