Cut out the middleman
Looks like Manston may want to filter any responses it receives in the night flight consultation process.
A couple of our readers are shocked and horrified. Not only has Manston somehow managed to insert itself into the consultation process (by inviting people to send their responses direct to the airport), but it appears that anything the airport receives will not necessarily be sent to TDC.
sleeplessinramsgate writes:
Shocked by the idea that consultation feedback could be left on Manston Airport's own website, I took a look at it: Although the general impression is that comments made in this way will form part of the TDC consultation, this is not the case.
At the bottom of the page there is a link to the Airport's normal comments page (where we frequently leave reports of night noise which are duly ignored) - no mention is made that this information will be shared with TDC.
If you click on: Download the public consulation newsletter from Manston Airport (pdf 171 kb). Be part of Manston Airports future - we want your views, at the top of the page you will go to the newsletter, which states:
"Please take a moment to let us and Thanet District Council know your thoughts on our proposed night-time flying policy and the future of Manston Airport. Post this form to Manston, Kent’s International Airport, PO Box 500, Manston, Kent. CT12 5BL. Alternatively, email AND Your comments MAY also be forwarded to Thanet District Council." (my capitals).
This is clearly misleading as any unfavourable comments on the proposal may not be shared with TDC.