Where in Ramsgate can you hear the Tannoys at the port and the station? Wherever it is, that's where this chap lives. He signs himself Mr Porter, although his email address suggests his name is Mr Turner. Either way, he asks some oft-repeated questions.
Quick answers: (1) and (2) - it is because we live and have our livelihoods under and near the flight paths that we are so concerned; (3) not sure how this is relevant - I don't need to be a civil engineer to have an opinion on whether I want a dual carriageway built in my gardern; (4) I am so bored of this one.
Dear Sir / Madame,
I have read some of your information with regards to Manston and the intended flights and alleged disturbances. I would however like to ask some questions to help me understand the reasons for your train of thought.
- How many of you live on or near the flight path ?
- Do you have businesses or investments around the flight path ?
- How many of you have worked in Aviation and understand the logistics of airport business?!
- If you do not like noise then why live near an airport that has existed for over 100 years ?
As for those that do not want the intended night flights to carry out an invasion of their sleep, not that it will, disperse huge amounts of pollution, no more than having hundreds of lorries carrying the items from abroad off the ferry terminal, while on the subject of the ferry terminal I can hear the Tannoy system and noise of the ships being loaded/unloaded from my house, do I ask that it is closed or has restricted working hours no. I understand that the ferries bring cargo into the UK and thus to our shops etc. Also they create jobs that outweigh the noise pollution.
Ramsgate Railway Station is another location of noise, I can hear the Tannoy system and announcements and the trains with their flat spots on the wheels, loud horns and squealing brakes but I do not ask that the railway be closed ? No once again I understand that this is an integral part of our community that serves us by allowing locals to commute to their chosen occupations while bringing in people to work or holiday in our local towns thus bringing in revenue to local businesses.
I do wonder how many people actually own their own houses and live on the flight path that are so negative to the night flights, The labour increase would be highly beneficial to an area that has so little employment, giving many types of careers for lots of different people and this will be part time full time and shift work.
I look forward to hearing your answers and thoughts.
Kind Regards
Mr Porter.