More questions than answers
Dear Mr Samuel and Cllr Bayford,
I would be grateful if you would help me with the following:
Firstly, would you please publish details of the proposed consultation process on the TDC website.
- In due course, when Infratil re-submit their proposal, we will all know what we are being consulted about, but until then it would tremendously helpful for everyone to know how we are going to be consulted.
- Given that the consultation was only halted on the day it was due to begin (Nov 1st) it follows that TDC must have completed its preparation for the consultation, and must have established what the process will be.
- As you rightly point out in your press release, the future of the airport is a matter of great public interest and it is important that the consultation is as effective as possible.
- The unexpected delay in the proposal's submission provides an opportunity to explain to one and all how the consultation will work, and to ensure that it will be both fair and effective.
- (To declare an interest: as one of the thousands in Herne Bay who live under the flight path, I'm particularly keen to learn how we are to be consulted, and how our views are to be weighted.)
Secondly, could you clarify the role of Bureau Veritas.
- They have variously been described as providing an "expert", or "technical", or "peer" review of Infratil's submission, which I had assumed to mean that they would be verifying, validating, and possibly explaining the more specialist and technical aspects of the proposal.
- It is unclear why Bureau Veritas' report should ever go through a draft stage. Their expert technical opinion "is what it is", it does not require anyone's approval, and none of "us" - the non-experts - are in a position to correct or gainsay them.
- Your press release says that Infratil will be developing their re-submission from the final version of Bureau Veritas' report.
- Are Bureau Veritas advising Thanet District Council, or Infratil, or both?
Finally, given that the local media are familiar with the contents of Bureau Veritas' draft report ("The first draft of the Bureau Veritas report suggests dropping the original 1,995 night time quota proposed by Infratil to 1,570 a year."), I think it's time that the local people were given the same access to information. Would you please publish the draft Bureau Veritas report on the TDC website
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Yours Sincerely,
Re: Proposed night flying policy - Kent International Airport
Thank you for your email of 25 November 2010.
As you are aware, as Leader the Council, I decided that the initial information supplied by Infratil to the Council required reworking to provide better information to the public before any consultation could be launched. I therefore asked Infratil to rework their proposal to improve its clarity of purpose and intention. The consultation process is therefore on hold for the moment.
Prior to this the Council had already prepared a consultation plan. This will be published once we have something to consult the public on.
You sought some clarification on the role being undertaken by Bureau Veritas (BV) employed by the Council. As you correctly state BV were engaged by the Council to provide a technical assessment of the Infratil proposals. We have received a draft report and as a result asked the consultants to improve some of the commentary and provide some areas of fuller information. That has been completed and I am pleased to say that the final report will be published shortly.
I note your comments about the local media but I can assure you that contrary to the statement made by the Isle of Thanet Gazette no copy of the BV report has been supplied to that newspaper.
Finally in relation to your comments concerning the Council's proposed consultation plan, you may access full details in the reports and decisons of the Airport Working Party available on the Council website under the Council and Democracy pages.
Yours sincerely
Robert Bayford
Leader of the Council