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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

No Night Flights

You say (19)


#Manston #nightflights

We would like to register our strong objection to the proposal for night flights over Ramsgate between 11pm and 7am.

Ramsgate has one of the highest concentrations of listed buildings in the country and the country's only royal harbour. This creates a special heritage asset that should be preserved at all costs, particularly since these are major features underpinning the future development of the area. This is important for the potential enhancement of tourism and employment in a sustainable way. We believe that the proposed night flight schedule would create unacceptable noise and pollution, thus irretrievably destroying the heritage nature of the town and blighting all of us who live under the flight path.

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I and my family (including two children age 8 and 12 years of age) are against night flights.

We live directly beneath the flight path. We are just a matter of several 100 feet away from these planes as they come in to land (or take off). We have donated money, written letters and attended many meetings apposing plans for night flights as we believe we have a right to a night of sleep after our working day. I have worked night shifts and am aware more than anyone the disruption flights cause and am left feeling shattered if I do not achieve a full sleep.

If any of you have had young children, you know being woken every night causes stress, but you know within 3 months you'll likely achieve a full night’s sleep once more. There will be no end to broken nights of sleep, if night flights go ahead and this will likely become worse as time goes on.

I still see no valid reason for night flights and this WILL NOT bring more employment to locals and will likely drive holiday makers away from an already troubled local area!

Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture and is illegal. We believe this is as bad! It is also linked to increased aging, increased disease, increased suicide rates and increased depression and Kills. Is any alleged benefit worth the cost? We would say not! Even Central Government recognise tiredness kills behind the wheel... we see no distinction!

We moved into our house in 1993 and Manston was an MOD base, with very few flights. Times change and this is change all people I speak with are against.

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I would like to enter my views into the consultation.

As a local resident here in Thanet I know there is no part of the Island where you do not hear the mighty sound of planes flying in and out of Manston during the night. Manston is the highest point in Thanet. Obviously the noise will be even greater on the flight path over Ramsgate, and to the West over the village of Acol, then on as far as Herne Bay, so it would only be fair to contact anyone on the flight-paths first for their comments, then the rest of Thanet.

It would not be fair to seek comments from anyone living outside these areas as the noise and pollution issues would not affect them. There are many public and political views from KCC, Medway and beyond favouring the Manston runway to become the next London Airport. Why ? - Because it means it would not therefore be built in the Thames Estuary or on the Isle of Grain, so not causing noise and pollution problems for North Kent residents! We should ignore those sort of comments. Also comment such as – ‘’you moved next to an airport so what do you expect’’. Many people have moved here knowing that the airport was military and not used often. They came here before it was sold off. They came for the sea, and the peace and quiet.

We must think of the effects on our health and local environment of having a busy airport running night and day in Thanet. Noise and Air Pollution would be a huge problem. Illnesses caused from insomnia (due to aircraft engine noise) and fumes would increase and become problematic for everyone. Quality of life issues are very important too, and Councils have a duty of care for the whole population, not just businesses. Homes are being built alongside the airport. Who is going to want to move there knowing that they will not get any sleep at night? Tourism will be lost to the area too.

The airport cannot bring enough daytime business to Manston as it is because Thanet is out of the catchment area. We are as far East as you can get, and nobody wants to fly in and out of here, except Thanet residents of course, and that is not enough to keep the airliners in business. Infratil purchased the airport knowing it’s poor economics in the hope they could change everything around (like their unsuccessful predecessors). The only way they can do this is by getting business nobody else wants or will allow. Business that is dirty, unhealthy, noisy and immoral - night-time business! Business that is not allowed at other airports for good reasons. Freightliners using old and unsafe aircraft.

We cannot put limits on what type of aircraft use the airport so once any permission were granted it would become bedlam. It would be impossible to stop! No other British airport will allow this so why are we even contemplating it? Do we want Thanet to become the unpleasant, noisy, polluted seaside resort it would be? Do we want everyone’s lives to be ruled by the airport over the democracy of our Council for the sake of a few dozen extra jobs? This is too big a chance to take.

Don’t waste any more money on consultations and just say "NO" to night flights. You would have to be insane and hate the beauty of Thanet to agree to it.

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You say (18)


#Manston #nightflights

Please accept this email as a vote NO to night flights between 11pm and 7am.

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Night flights into Manston Airport cannot be justified given the low number of daytime slots currently taken up. I would suggest that the airport operators concentrate on attracting daytime operations, particularly passenger airlines which are more likely to increase the number of staff employed at the airport. Given the amount of noise disturbance old cargo aircraft such as Jumbos and MD11s would cause to local residents if they were allowed to operate during the night-time period of 11pm to 7am, this really is unacceptable and completely unnecessary as the current throughput stands.

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I am against the proposed increase in night flights between 11pm and 7am at Manston airport.

The reason for this being that, although I do not live directly under the flight path, I believe that there is sufficient proof that these flights would have a major negative impact on the town of Ramsgate.

It is my belief that the majority of growth that Infratil hope to deliver at Manston (as per their master plan) is through passenger flights. The other regional UK mainland airports have achieved this without night flights.

The Impact on the local economy and employment opportunities from freight, which is what the night flights will clearly be mainly used for, is minimal by comparison. This does not outweigh the impact that the night flights would have on the residents and businesses of, and visitors to Ramsgate.

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My wife and I are against night flights from Manston between 11pm and 7am.

Even the few night flights that 'manage' to get through are causing inconvenience to our sleep patterns.

It does seem as though Manston Airport likes operating the extremely noisy aircraft during the late hours, so as not to upset the 'day time residents' of Ramsgate

The Airport seems to be 'non operational during the day time with very few flights arriving or leaving.

Plenty of space for any required additional flights!

The only reason we can see for allowing noisy night flights is to increase the flights from Africa and other areas that use these 'old and noisy' aircraft. WHY?

The idea that passengers will pour into Manston to increase Infratil’s', and the local areas, revenue is a non-starter.

EUJet tried operating a high quality day time flight service a few years ago and no one was really interested that either!

...... so the chances of anyone wishing to fly 'Out of hours' from Manston is highly unlikely.

We are both OAPs and sound sleep is extremely necessary to get the reserves of energy to get through the next day!

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You say (17)


#Manston #nightflights

AGAINST Manston's night flying proposal


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I am a shift worker with varied hours so I need to maximise my sleep when possible nights flights would mean that my sleep patterns could be broken and nights would be restless. Which could result in health problems or accidents. As my property is directly under the flight path I can accept air port noise / traffic during a normal day but find it very difficult to believe that there is a call for flights to be made during these hours as the daytime slots are only partially filled.

I am also against the use of the air port at time as the daytime use of the air port is to maximised. So the air port and Infratil should make better use of the airport during daylights hours when it wouldn’t affect as many people.

The bosses of Infratil are always going to be for this type of plan as when they go home from work that are not affect by noise from the airport during the night or day. As they probably do not live in the local area.

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Dear Sir/Madam

I’d like to register my opposition to night flights to and from Manston Airport

Here in the Deal area we already suffer high level international flights late into the night and early morning, we also suffer low level ‘short cut’ aircraft flying into Manston during the day. We’ve also witnessed a near miss several years ago but due to the aircraft types (cargo) this was dismissed by the Aircraft authorities

Night flights would simply increase the noise levels depriving my family and I of sleep and increasing the fear of an aviation disaster – it is very frightening to see 2 large objects in the sky trying to avoid each other

There is good reason to develop Manston but night flights should not even be on the agenda with day time flights restricted to 7am to 11pm.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

I am writing this email to express to the consultation that I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am.

I own two properties in Ramsgate. When I moved here, several years ago, I was told by the estate agents that, whilst I lived near an airport, THERE WAS A BAN ON NIGHT FLIGHTS, and thus I had no reason to worry. So the idea that Ramsgate residents "knew what we were getting ourselves into" is a falsification.

Also, I believe that Manston was taken over by its present owners, with this in place? So how can this now just change?!

We are all now aware of the arguments for night flights, that have been rubbished at every step, both by the findings of local campaigners, and the recent independent report-I feel there is no need to go into this again here.

What I will say though is this-should the night flights proposal begin, I have already decided that leaving Ramsgate could be my only option. Not just because of the noise, but I just think it will destroy our lovely town, through pollution, noise, and the obvious drop in local house prices.

Which brings me to my next point. Myself, and a growing number of friends are wondering who is going to pay us for the amount knocked off our property values?

We are all already preparing to take legal advice as to whom will be responsible for this compensation.

Please do not destroy Ramsgate, and all the other affected areas.

Ramsgate's a very different town to the one I moved to-but with this one action, you could set the clock back many years on us all, and tear out the heart of what makes this town so special, just to bow down to vested interests.

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You say (16)


#Manston #nightflights

I am strongly against Manston’s night flying proposal.

Flybe cannot make Manston work for them others have tried and failed.

The catchment area for Manston is just not large enough for this ever to work for passenger flights.

All that is left is old aircraft bringing in cargo. Please don't spoil what we have now, a great town on the up.

Click to have your say in the Public Consultation on Night Flights

Dear Sirs,

I would like to let you know that I am strongly opposed against any night flights in Manston airport between 11pm and 7am.

Already in its present form the airport is a considerable source of unnecessary noise and environmental pollution. Should the proposed plans go ahead, my life – and those of thousands of other people – will be even more affected by noise disturbance, leading to increased levels of stress and illnesses. I don’t think that the perceived economical benefits (even if they should materialise, which is by no means certain) would justify these inevitable consequences.

I am aware that in recent decades it has become fashionable to think of life in purely economical terms. But maybe it’s time for a change – maybe we should start thinking of people again?

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We understand that the proposal for the expansion of Manston Airport by introducing Night Flights are being considered by yourselves and we want to make our views very clear as residents and home owners living close by the airport and the effects that any such expansion is likely to have on us.

The findings of the TDC's report are clear:

- The expansion proposal (by the operators) indicates that the economic benefits that had been suggested in the original proposal have been very much over exaggerated.

- It has also clearly understated the noise nuisance impact on local residents made even worse as a result of the night activity.

- It is also clear that the suggested increase in job prospects for local people has been very much exaggerated . No guarantees in this regard have been given. Look at the current staffing of the existing airport activities and the number of employees overall and of the number of current staff that live in the area.

- The potential detrimental effects on local residents health have been very much understated.

Compare the proposal for Manston to those that exist for Heathrow. The proposal is for some 600 night flights a year for Manston against just 15 a year which is currently allowed at Heathrow. In addition the Manston proposal wants to reduce the recognised "night time" period by one and a half hours each night. With no restrictions on the number of flights from Manston outside of the proposed new "night time" and therefore it could well mean that there would in fact be many more night flights than the proposed 600.

In reality Manston has plenty of spare capacity in the daytime and it must be pure commonsense to all those involved in the decision process that any expansion proposals should be made to utilise this spare capacity before giving any consideration to this Night Time expansion proposal.

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Open letter, simple question


Dear Charles Buchanan (CEO Manston), Maxim PR (Manston's spin doctors), Infratil (Manston's owners), and anyone who believes Manston's job forecasts:

Have a look at THIS and then, if you like, do some research of your own into passenger/job ratios.

Then come back to this post and give us the names of, say, 3 UK airports that actually deliver 1,000 on-site jobs for every 1,000,000 passengers they handle - this is the ratio that Manston keeps promising.

You get extra points if any of them are regional airports of the size that Manston is forecasting for 2018 (2,000 onsite jobs for 2,286,000 passengers).

If Manston's job forecasts are realistic, this should be easy to do.

The fact is that Manston's job forecasts are absurdly exaggerated - a cruel and selfish deception on the people of Thanet and east Kent.

[First posted 9th Feb 2012]

[Re-posted 21st Feb 2012 - still no answer!]

[22nd Feb 2012 - sent formal request to Tom Wilson (Chief Executive, Infratil Airports Europe Ltd), Charles Buchanan (CEO Manston), and Andrew Metcalf (Director, Maxim PR) for their responses... stay tuned.]

No Night Flights home page

You say (15)


#Manston #nightflights

Dear Sirs,

I would like to let you know that I strongly object against any night flights in Manston airport between 11pm and 7am.

The airport already causes a lot of noise and pollution. Should the proposed plans go ahead, my life – and those of thousands of other people – will be even more affected by noise, stress and illnesses.

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No to Night Flights

Ramsgate has many listed building that cannot have double glazing – windows rattle when the Cargo Monsters fly over.

Why night flights? when many MEP’s throughout Europe want No Night Flights at any European airports supporting people’s human right to have a good night’s sleep

Cargo planes will not bring extra jobs to Thanet

Why Night Flights? when Infratil cannot fill the daytime slots

When an old large plane flies over at night, after being suddenly woken up, you then wait for the loud reverse thrust on the runway – that’s how loud it is and many people are in a worse position than we are

No! No! No! to any night flights except on humanitarian grounds

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I am AGAINST the proposal for night flights between 11pm and 7am for the following reasons;


I'm one of those lot that moved from London to Ramsgate 5year ago to escape the busyness and give my children a better lifestyle. Ramsgate seemed the perfect solution, amazing sandy beaches, extraordinary architecture, historic harbour, local and surrounding walks on the doorstep and all come free of charge. Night flights will affect mine and my children's quality of life, loud noisy cargo freight planes waking us up throughout the night. Sleep deprivation affects the ability to function, the noise levels are proven unacceptable, the proposal compromises our basic right of peaceful enjoyment. If I do not lose all the value in my house, I will be moving and I’ve heard other say the same.


The area has potential for regeneration and the proposal for night flights will have a detrimental effect on its ability to do so. I have plans for a business which at its core is all about promoting the local area, its offerings and the plethora of events already organised and other events to be offered. The town has an opportunity to become a 'destination' - a weekend getaway in all seasons. Visitor's bring much needed income into the area and enable businesses to be created and those that exist to grow. No one will want to come and stay in the town if they were to be woken by loud cargo planes at all hours of the late evening /morning. Tourism will bring more employment to the area and income than Infratil’s proposal for night flights. ......My business will be killed off.....


Infratil are unrealistic, the airport currently does not provide a great deal of employment for the area and cargo flights will not warrant a great deal more employment for the area. (again proven by case studies). There will be no knock-on effect for the local economy, residents are the losers and businesses, the town will become a ghost town.. more empty shops.. no further investment and just when you can see changes happening.

This proposal cannot go ahead, the repercussion's are too far and wide spread and will have a devastating affect on a town ripe for regeneration.

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You say (14)


#Manston #nightflights

Finally a chance to be consulted on night flights!

I am strongly opposed to night flights from Manston between the hours of 11pm and 7am.

Living directly under the flight path, I am unable to continue a conversation when I am outside when a plane flies over, and in the evening when the TV is on, I cannot watch a programme without turning the volume right up when a plane goes overhead.

I am categorically opposed to seeing my sleep pattern disrupted for the illusory creation of a few jobs.

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Dear Sirs,

We wish to register our very strong objections to the proposed night flights in and out of Manston airport.

We moved to the Herne Bay area some 12 years ago to be away from the hustle and bustle and noise of city life.

We are light sleepers, we know that night flights will disturb our rest and will ultimately affect our health and well being.

Therefore please add our name to the list of people AGAINST NIGHT FLIGHTS FROM Manston airport.

We in fact would be pleased to see the end of all flights from Manston, day or night.

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I am resolutely against the proposed night flights between 11pm and 7am.

I work in Ramsgate and employ 2 others locally. As a businessman and as a resident I think this proposal is a bad one.

I have already complained on behalf of my young family before about night time flights in the past. We have looked at the P&B report and in light of that, it looks like accepting such a proposed change of use at the airport would be detrimental to the growth of the area.

Night flights could tarnish this beautiful area and hurt its future recovery towards regeneration.

The airport is simply asking too much for not much in return.

If the airport used its daytime capacity then there may be a case for night flights, but that is not the case.

We have also found their PR rather misleading about the issue. There seems to be a public misperception in Thanet as a whole that night flights are needed to support the passenger business. As the night flights are likely to be freight then Thanet will see little economic benefit.

I find the whole proposal rather dishonest and it lacks common sense that even a child could see the stupidity of the whole situation.

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You say (13)


#Manston #nightflights

I AM AGAINST all and any flights to or from Manston, Kent International Airport; at night after 11:00pm or before 7:00am. Noise and fumes pollution is high by day, and would be disturbing and distressing at night.

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I wish to register my opposition to the proposed night flights to and from Manston airport.

I live in Station Road, Herne Bay which is on the approach to Manston and we quite regularly have 747 cargo planes flying over during daylight hours, which is quite unpleasant. However, if this proposal is allowed it will mean in the summer when the windows are open in my bungalow we will be awakened by these night flights and we will lose sleep.

More concerning will be the drop in value of my property if the proposal goes ahead, by being on the flight path, both day and night.

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Dear Thanet Council,

With regard to the Manston night flights between 11pm and 7am proposal, I'm am totally against it.

1) It's totally outrageous to even consider allowing planes to fly just a few hundred feet above the heads of countless people in the dead of night! An undisturbed night’s sleep should be a basic right to anyone in a civilized society.

2) The reward for this pollution to our lives will in no way compensate. The local employment prospects from this proposal are negligible. I have lived here since 1983 and have seen several low cost airlines try to make a go of Manston but it is just not in the right location, too isolated with no large local catchment area. It will never succeed as a passenger terminal and the same reasons will limit its popularity as a freight terminal. There is no chance of any significant increase in local jobs. The surveys the airport owners have had done indicating thousands of new jobs are laughable!

It's blindingly obvious that Infratil are just trying to make the airport as attractive as possible with a view to selling it and getting out with some of their money back from a failed venture.

You as our elected representatives have only one option if acting in our best interests and that is to throw this ridiculous proposal out!

Otherwise you will be condemning us to years of night time noise pollution just for a handful of local jobs.

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We wish to notify you of our strong objection to the proposal of night flights in and out of Manston.

As we live directly under the flight path we have already had our sleep disturbed on several occasions by these huge planes lumbering low above us.

We have read all the literature published by Infratil about the proposed benefit to the community but do not believe that this stands up to scrutiny, With the latest study from Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, I think this confirms that the amount of jobs that may come as a result are overestimated by Infratil.

As Flybe have now pulled out all their passenger services, I do not see how the airport is viable. We are too far east of the country to be able to attract the passenger traffic.

There are lots of families that live directly beneath the flight path, what about the damage to their health and the environment.

While we understand that Thanet District Council have a duty to try and promote the area, we cannot see how this will do so. It will not provide many jobs but may put holiday makers off visiting Ramsgate.

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You say (12)


#Manston #nightflights

I want to say that I am AGAINST night flying at Manston between the hours of 11pm and 7am. Every time there is a night flight, for whatever reason, I am woken from sleep. The noise from night flights will be unbearable and quality of life will be changed forever. I am speaking for my children and my grandchildren who often sleep at my house and have been woken up already with night flights. Sleep is precious and not an option - do not allow these flights!

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I am writing to register my strong opposition to Infratil's current proposal for Night Flights from Manston airport.

My home lies directly under the Manston airport flight path and the noise of daytime flights is already hugely invasive and shocking, at any time of day.

Quite aside from my personal feelings, I believe that the threat of night flights is effectively stifling the burgeoning renaissance of Ramsgate. I know that those who would prefer to open new hotel, restaurant and other leisure related business into our beautiful town are actively dissuaded from doing so by Infratil's threat to fly huge jets over our rooftops at all hours of day and night.

I therefore strongly urge TDC to reject this application and instead give the green light to a peaceful and prosperous Ramsgate which (will bring far greater prosperity to Manston as a holiday destination than it ever would as a depressed town at the end of a long runway).

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As a Ramsgate resident for 25 years, living very close to the flight path, I should like to convey my strong feelings against night flights for the following reasons:

1. Sleep is essential to good health and ability to work productively. Ten years ago, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed that aircraft noise at night is harmful to health and that undisturbed sleep is a basic human right.

2. Local people feel very strongly about this - the meeting on this subject at Chatham House School in October 2010 was packed to bursting with objectors like ourselves. A large number of people also attended the open meeting last autumn at the airport itself - where the airport chief executive appeared to deliberately prevaricate about the expansion plans, announcing them a few days later.

3. The airport claim that night flights will produce several thousand new jobs for the area. This is patently highly unlikely, since the night flights will simply be unloading freight, and then flying out again.

4. If the flats and hotel at the former Pleasurama site are ever built, who would want to buy them/stay there, knowing they are under the flight path for low-flying night aircraft?

5. Ditto for those who keep boats at Ramsgate, who come down to visit and go out on their boats, and spend money in the town. Why should they want to spend a night on their boat, if planes are going to be roaring overhead during the night? The proposed night flights may well make Ramsgate less not more attractive to tourists.

6. There is no reason why Manston, with an efficient shuttle service from the high speed link, should not prosper as an airport running flights between the hours of 7am and 11pm. If it doesn't, that will be because it remains an unacceptable distance from the greater London area, not because of a restriction against night flights.

7. I have however two reservations about any expansion of the airport. I have read that the flight path brings these planes unacceptably low over housing (presumably at Cliffsend). I am also concerned from the point of view of pollution. Planes coming in to land jettison unspent fuel from their fuel tanks. It is possible to see this streaming out from their fuel tanks as they pass overhead. Depending on the wind, this unspent fuel (kerosene) may and sometimes does fall on populated parts of the town and surrounding area. My husband and I have smelt it on a number of occasions, including near our home on the Eastcliff, in the vicinity of Ramsgate station and, to cite one particular recent occasion, around 3pm on Monday 5th December, 2011, at Westwood Cross shopping centre, which was at the time very busy with Christmas shoppers.

I sincerely hope your consultation will take the above points into consideration.

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You say (11)


#Manston #nightflights

We are totally against the extension of the time frame during which night flights are to be allowed.It is bad for our health and well-being and will do nothing to create a significant increase in jobs at the airport.

The present no-flights time frame of 11.00 pm to 7.00 is frequently not observed. We have been awakened by flights at 01.30 am, 04.30 am and more. Even though there is a no night flights policy in operation, this is frequently broken.

What we want is a no night flights policy which is observed.

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I am against night flights between 11pm and 7am.

We are immediately under the flight path that comes it across Herne Bay and much of the time planes come over very low when flying at night using large freight craft many of which will be old and noisy.

It will not allow us or others in this area a restful night’s sleep and the same will go for everybody on the flight paths both here and in Thanet.

It seems very unfair that all these people suffer because of the attempt to keep an airport that self evidently is not used or needed open

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I wish to register my opposition to night flights from Manston Airport for the following reasons:

  • Night flights create significant noise pollution (even more so than day flights because inevitably nights are quieter than the day time).Such noise pollution will ruin the sleep of thousands of people on the flight path. The European Court of Human Rights says that sleep is a human right
  • Sleep deprivation is known to produce reduced ability to concentrate during the day, poorer educational achievement amongst children, increased health issues, increased the risk of accidents at home, on the roads and at work, and increased mental health problems
  • The standard definition of night time, as used in the existing agreement, and throughout the aviation industry, and in national and international legislation, is 11am to 7pm but this proposal shortens this to 11:30pm to 6am. This shortens the night by 1.5 hours and so increases the time when there is no restriction whatsoever.
  • Manston recently admitted that if they doubled the amount of freight they handle, and increased the passengers from 30,000 a year to ¾ million a year, they would create just 23 new jobs. We know from recent experience that major passenger airlines are unwilling to permanently use Manston because of the limited catchment area. It seems unlikely that we will ever see ¾ million passengers a year at Manston and so the number of jobs generated by freight alone is significantly less than 23. Is the sleep of thousands of Thanet citizens really worth less than 23 jobs? I do not believe so even in these very difficult economic times.
  • Tourism is still a major employer in the area. How many people will want to take a short break to an area knowing they will not sleep? Inevitably this will mean hotels, B&Bs, restaurants and other attractions closing and jobs being lost. The number of jobs lost will, I believe, be significantly higher than those gained by allowing night flights.
  • In these days of increased automation increased flights, either passenger or freight, do not mean increased jobs. Many jobs in aviation, e.g. air traffic control, are done many many miles away from airports.
  • In recent years we have seen a significant number of people relocate to Ramsgate and the surrounding areas from London and others buy second homes. These individuals have brought their wealth into the area. How many will wish to stay if they are deprived of sleep.
  • If Manston wishes to increase its freight capacity then it should use its day slots first before even considering night flights.
  • The proposal has no fines or penalties if Manston breaks the limits so why should they even think about sticking to them?
  • Infratil have linked night flights to the viability of Manston. This is an error. Manston’s future as an airport and major employer depends on passenger flights and we have seen that major airlines realise the catchment area simply cannot support the required number regular passenger flights for profitability.

I strongly believe that night flights at Manston have more disadvantages to Thanet and its population than advantages.

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