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No Night Flights

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Manston Parish Council: night flights meeting



My husband and I have been reading your newsletters with interest. When we moved to Manston in 2003, the level of activity at the airport was acceptable. However, we were totally unaware of the failed proposals that had been submitted in the past. We have been complaining to Infratil on a regular basis and, in line with comments from some of your subscribers, Infratil rarely acknowledged our complaint. We have since discovered that there are actually two links to two different complaint forms online. Since we have used your link, we have been receiving the usual standard reply, but we keep plugging!

For us, it's not "just" the night flights issue - often during the day the ghastly smell of jet fumes pervades our small development, and our houses (even with windows closed) and we have been concerned about pollution when jets linger on the apron. For my part, I am at home all day, so there is no escape for me!

We thought you might be interested to know (if you don't already!) that Manston Parish Council has convened a special meeting at 6pm at the Village Hall, Preston Road, on Friday 11 November. The Parish Council is keen to know the views of local residents in order to present "our" overall opinion to TDC.

There is a caveat on the invitation... The meeting is open only to Manston residents whose names appear on the current electoral role!

Kind regards,

Manston resident

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How we all love this map...


It's the gift that just keeps giving. This little map has brought so much pleasure to so many people...

It's so simple and clear. There's the flightpath, and there are little markers showing where the TDC councillors live. They're the ones who will decide whether the 80,000 people in Ramsgate, Herne Bay and the villages in between will have to live with night flights.

Tens of thousands of people have had a good hard look at this map. Click it and have a look for yourself...

  • Aug 31, 2011: over 45,000 views.
  • Sep 5, 2011: over 46,000 views.
  • Sep 14, 2011: over 47,000 views.
  • Sep 24, 2011: over 48,000 views.
  • Sep 26, 2011: over 49,000 views.
  • Oct 5, 2011: over 50,000 views.
  • Oct 19, 2011: over 51,000 views.
  • Nov 3, 2011: over 52,000 views.
  • Nov 5, 2011: over 53,000 views.
  • Nov 7, 2011: over 54,000 views.
  • Nov 9, 2011: over 55,000 views.
  • Nov 11, 2011: over 56,000 views.
  • Nov 14, 2011: over 57,000 views.
  • Nov 17, 2011: over 58,000 views.
  • Nov 20, 2011: over 59,000 views.
  • Dec 12, 2011: over 60,000 views.

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Charles Buchanan (CEO, Manston Airport) from the night flights proposal:

Today some 110 staff are employed by the airport, with approximately a further 40 employed in servicing the operation of the airport. The airport currently generates £4.5m GVA (Gross Added Value) of which some £3.8m is within the Thanet economy ... development in line with the published Master Plan would (by 2018) support direct employment of over 2,000 jobs with a further 1,000 indirect and induced jobs in the wider economy. This level of employment would generate £65m GVA.

Sandra Matthews-Marsh (CEO, Visit Kent) responding to RGF funding

Tourism in East Kent contributes more than £835 million to the local economy and supports almost 18,000 jobs.

Now consider the effect that the proposed night flight timetable will have on tourism in East Kent.

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Manston's 2012 schedule


Just to let you know what's coming, here's a timetable that Manston can start operating the day after TDC accepts their proposed night flying policy. 

Currently, daytime flying at the airport is completely free of restrictions regarding the numbers and noisiness of aircraft. Manston's new policy turns night into day. The first half-hour of night, and the last hour of night, would be as free of restrictions as the daytime.

The only restrictions would apply between 2330 and 0600, i.e. 11:30pm and 6am - highlighted in pink below. This would be the only period during which aircraft would be counted, or their noisiness contribute to the proposed quota.

They estimate an average of 1.8 flights a night in this period. They are proposing an upper limit of 659 flights in this period, with a total QC Rating (the points-based noise scale) of 1,593. As you will see from the timetable, this still allows for a lot of noisy aircraft throughout the week. Every week. This will not be the occasional late plane straggling in - this will be a schedule.

Manston also estimate an average of 3.2 flights a night before and after the newly-shortened "night" time. I've put these in purely for the sake of illustration. In practice, there will be no limit on the number of planes that can take off and land between 2300-2330 and 0600-0700.

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Manston Aircraft Noise Maps


Here are the noise contour maps that Manston provided with their application. As you'll see, they didn't bother to provide a full set.

Click the maps to get a clearer view.

Boeing Jumbo 747-400

Arr from West

Arr from East

Dep to West

Dep to East


Boeing Jumbo 737-800

Arr from West

Arr from East

Dep to West

Dep to East


McDonnell Douglas MD-11

Arr from West

Arr from East

Dep to West

Dep to East


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"Night flights would boost business in Thanet" says airport


Up to eight flights a night could take off and land at Kent International Airport, according to plans submitted to Thanet District Council. Bosses at the airport have submitted their long-awaited night-time flight policy, and campaigners now have 12 weeks to have their say on the proposals.

Managers say allowing flights between 11pm and 7am would attract more business to the area. They are banned under the airport's current planning agreement with the council.

The submission proposes that by 2018, there will be as many as 659 night-time flights every year between 11.30pm and 6am – an average of 1.8 planes a night. But the nightly total is increased by a proposed average of 3.2 flights a night between 11pm and 11.30pm, and the same number between 6am and 7am. Chief executive Charles Buchanan said:

"For the airport to be commercially viable in the longer term, and deliver for Kent what other airports have done for their regions, it is vital that we are allowed to compete in terms of the operating hours."

The airport proposes banning only the noisiest planes at night. Council leader Councillor Bob Bayford, said:

"The council is committed to ensuring that local people have plenty of opportunity to comment on these proposals.  We know this is a hugely important issue, especially for those living under the flight path. Before this process begins we will be seeking an independent assessment of Infratil's supporting reports, and will publish the findings. I'd like to encourage everyone with a view to ensure they take the time to participate".

Mr Buchanan said allowing night flights could provide 2,000 jobs at the airport by 2018 and a further 1,000 jobs around Thanet. The airport says it currently employs 110 people and that a further 40 people are employed to assist the operation of the airport. He said binning the policy would "severely hinder" the airport's ability to attract passenger and freight airlines and would cost the Thanet economy £30m a year and 1,450 jobs.

Thanet Gazette 28th Oct 2011

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Manston makes night-time submission


A Kent airport has resubmitted its proposals for night flights. Manston airport, near Ramsgate, has asked Thanet Council for permission to run at least six flights between 11pm and 7am. Bosses said the plans would create around 3,000 jobs by 2018 and are vital for the long-term future of the company. Charles Buchanan, Chief Executive at Manston, commented:

"For the airport to be commercially viable in the longer term and deliver for Kent what other airports have done for their regions, it is vital that we are allowed to compete in terms of the operating hours."

The submission also included a Night Noise Assessment Report after plans met with objections from locals, councillors and MPs, concerned about the noise any additional flights would make. Mr Buchanan added:

"Rejecting the submission by prohibiting all commercial traffic betweem 11am and 7pm would severly hinder the aiport's ability to attract passenger and freight airlines. It would cost the Thanet economy an estimated £30m per year and some 1,450 jobs at a time when the area needs them more than ever. It could even threaten the continuation of the airport as a viable business."

The plans will go out to public consultation after the council has had their own independent assessment of the proposals carried out. Leader of Thanet Council, Cllr. Bob Bayford, said:

"The council is committed to ensuring that local people have plenty of opportunity to comment on these proposals. We know this is a hugely important issue, especially for those living under the flight path, so will be providing a minimum consultation period of 12 weeks for people to have their say. I’d like to encourage everyone with a view to ensure they take the time to participate."

KentOnline 28th Oct 2011

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Plans for Manston Airport night flights


A Kent airport is asking for permission to operate night flights. Manston Airport wants Thanet District Council to allow an average of eight take-offs or landings per night. The move would allow the operation to attract new airlines and a study suggested it could create more than 3,000 jobs.

But opponents fear it could pave the way for 24-hour arrivals and departures. The proposal is for three flights between 23:00 and 23:30, two flights between 23:30 and 06:00 and three between 06:00 and 07:00. Charles Buchanan, from Manston Airport, said:

"It is vital to have a limited amount [of night flights], in a managed way, with the consent of the community around us. What we need is to be able to attract airlines here. If we can't operate the hours that other airports can operate, then those airlines will choose to operate elsewhere."

Campaigners have claimed the move would allow 24-hour arrivals and departures. The online petition said:

"The noise from any flights in the eight hours between 11pm and 7am is far more intrusive and disruptive than at any other time of day. Night flights would reduce the quality of life for everyone within earshot of the flight path."

BBC 28th Oct 2011

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See the future, then decide


These two maps are taken from Manston's night flight proposal.

  • The maps show the "sound footprint" of the airport.
  • The top map is for 2010, the bottom map is their 2018 forecast.
  • In 2018, the "sound footprint" is bigger and louder.
  • The blue lines around the runway are noise contours.
  • In both maps the outermost blue line is the 48dB contour.
  • In 2010, the 48dB contour is 300 yards from the end of the runway.
  • In 2018, the 48dB contour stretches a mile out to sea.
  • In 2018, most of Ramsgate will feel like they're living next to the runway.
  • This is your future if your Council gives in to Manston's demands.
2011 NFP footprint 2010.jpg

Now, and then.

2011 NFP footprint 2018.jpg

Write to your councillors, write to your MP.

No Night Flights!

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